We use classic massage techniques to relax the body and mind. This type of massage focuses on muscle relaxation, targeting superficial muscles and increasing blood circulation
Back massage
A back massage increases blood flow to the skin and muscles
Full Body Massage
Full body massages also tend to improve your blood circulation,
which actually helps with a lot of things such as your energy levels and metabolism
Contraindications to massage:
Skin diseases;
Any contagious diseases;
Resent operations;
Fever (38 degrees Celsius or above);
Neuritis( inflammation of a nerve);
Haemophilia (bleeding dusorders);
Recently consumed drugs/ alcohol or some prescription drugs.
Massage can only take place once it has been approved in writing by your doctor:Phlebitis( inflammation of a vein);
Chronic Artritic conditions;
Chronic kidney disease;
A history or heart disease;
High blood pressure;
Oedema ( swollen feet and ankles);
Lumps and bumps.
Massage can only take place once it has been approved in writing by your doctor: